the woohoos

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Setlist on Friday (Aug 8)

Hi guys, here are the songs we can try on Friday. By the way we may be preparing for an acoustic "audition" Ling was telling about. That will be two songs for the audition, so whichever of the songs below would sound good acoustic, we use those :) "+" items are new ones.

- Anti Gravity
- Angels
- Mr. Jones
- Drive
- Under The Bridge
+ Love Will Come Through (Travis. Check band email)
+ Lightning Crashes (Live. Glenn will send mp3, in the meantime we refer to youtube)

See ya on Fri.

Sunday, August 06, 2006


Hi guys, whoa we kicked ass! We did like fifty something blunders and the hell we care!! (that's because I commited about two thirds of it so if I say it's ok.. it SHOULD be ok hahaha!) Seriously, we were great :) Hmm this is a blog, I should be writing in diary mode eh?

Dear blog,

We had our first gig at Marine Cove tonight. It was packed! People were body surfin' everywhere! They were shouting our names, it was crazy. I threw my shirt into the audience and girls were screamin' while rippin it apart. I could die at that moment.

HAHAHA ok i'll quit fooling around.

Dear blog,

We had our first gig at Marine Cove tonight. It wasn't really that packed. People were comin' in pairs or were just passing by. But it was definitely more than the three or four I had anticipated. Sweat was dripping all over my face what a mess! Bandmates seemed to have kept their cool the whole way though. And there's this lady who requested for "The Calling" song. How thick skinned of her! We're not being paid here hellooooOO! (LOL) Anyway, Anthony had to put us on the spot and asked us for an extra song, two even! They had to put up with one of my crappy originals. After the gig we're all happy. No one asked for any autographs though (I knew it was a waste of time practicin' my signature that mornin' - "Love lots, Chris"). Went to McCafe to mingle with some "groupies". After that it was nite nite.

Love lots,


Hopefully we'll have some media updated here by Monday the latest. My friend Joel took some good band shots, and Glenn with his trusty videocam. It would be nice to see and laugh at all those blunders, the woohoos way :)

p.s. pls join our yahoogroups at . Seeya!

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Gig Setlist

Hi guys, this will be the order that we'll be playing later..

Under the Bridge
When I Look To The Sky
Best Of You
Be Yourself
Fell On Black Days
Counting Blue Cars
Summer Romance

I'm still thinking of a good warm up soundcheck song segment that will stretch us a bit before we do our setlist? Anyone? Or everybody can just go crazy on your own instruments, and look focused while you're at it, make it look like we're *actually* playing something haha! Uh ok nevermind :P

See ya guys later :)

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Ok now..

Go check the band email haha! I've sent the mp3 recordings of our jamming yesterday. They're poor quality recordings, but we kick ass!

I've also uploaded the song structure documents in the email. Please feel free to identify corrections and additions, though you can leave the "details" part for later. Please focus on the structure first (why do I get the feeling that nobody will bother to check them eh? :P) I'll try to do the rest of the song structure documents tonight.

Honestly I think we'll kick ass on Saturday hehehe. Ok I'm too optimistic.. we will FAIL! FAIL!! huMiLiATe ourselves in front of people!! Like three or four people. HAHHAA!

Let's have fun shall weeeeeeeeee :D